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God is my CEO

Book cover of book review book titled God Is My CEO

Thanks to the work of Martin Luther, the 16th century Reformers began to overturn the medieval church’s view that having a vocation or calling referred exclusively to full-time church work, and the biblical doctrine of work was recovered. Surprisingly, however, many 21st-century believers still struggle with the false divide between the secular and the sacred, seeing their work as necessary, but “worldly”.

But even for those who are familiar with the concept of integrating faith and work, there remains the question of how to actually get it done on Monday morning. How can Christians follow God’s principles in a Bottom-Line world? This question is borrowed from the subtitle of Larry Julian’s book, God is my CEO, which is a timely guide for business leaders seeking to worship God in and through their work.

As an executive coach with over two decades of experience, Julian understands the pressures of daily business life and the desire to do the right thing while balancing bottom-line demands. The bulk of the book contains stories from more than twenty business leaders across diverse industries who have lived out their faith amidst the immense demands and pressures of corporate business leadership.

With the aid of these stories, Julian explores the ten most common issues facing business people today and applies biblical principles to them. Here are just a few examples:

  • How do I do the right thing when I’m pressured to do otherwise?
  • How do I avoid becoming a slave to urgent, short-term pressure?
  • How do I demonstrate my faith in a politically correct and diverse work environment?
  • How do I balance the needs of others with my profit obligations?


The book ends with a practical guide to developing a personal business plan based on the principles, values, and perspectives of God’s kingdom. If you’re seeking to glorify God in and through your work, God is my CEO is an essential addition to your reading list.

Reviewed by Sibs Sibanda

Profile image of Sibs Sibana

Ziwani Team

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