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Know Your Why

Published in 2016, Know Your Why is one of those evergreen books that will continue to speak life-giving truth into searching souls. At some point, we all have to confront questions about our purpose and identity, and we all have to decide for ourselves, “Is this really what I want to do with my life?”

We work for the salary that funds our daily needs. We are motivated by ambitions for a career and to move up the professional ladder. We work for a cause, believing in a wider purpose. We work to make a difference in the world. God has placed in each of us a longing for meaning – and we need to find intrinsic meaning in our work, because that is where we will spend the majority of our time.

When we see our work as a calling, we experience a rich integration and sustainable energy in our lives. But how do we get there?

To answer this question, Ken Costa draws on decades of experience as an internationally renowned banker and chairman of Alpha International. His perspective has been uniquely shaped by growing up in a tumultuous time in South Africa, and then building a career in the high-pressure financial sector in Europe. His advice is practical and Spirit-inspired – based on lived theology.

He encourages us to have passion, to engage with the world, to flourish, to wait, to choose, to have courage, to focus, to persevere, to worship, and to break borders. Each chapter focuses on one of these concepts, elaborating on how we can achieve them in and through our work.

Know Your Why speaks to our deeply personal convictions about who we are, and points the way to finding our bedrock of security in the world. A refreshing read that will yield fruit in every season of life.


Review by Lise-Marie Keyser

Ziwani Team

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