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Creating Space To Hear (Sinapis)

First published by Sinapis on 25 March 2021

Does your business have a Wisdom Room? Where do you turn when you feel overwhelmed by pressures at work? Dennis Yandi goes into his Wisdom Room, a small space he created in his motorbike parts business. There he pours out his heart to the Lord, listens for direction, and invites others to do the same – and the impact has been far-reaching.

The Lord will provide

Dennis’s story is full of moments of trust, obedience, and faith in the Lord. In fact, he says the business itself was a vision he received in a dream. “I took a leap of faith, quit my job, and started Kingland Global.” Dennis had a strong sense that the Lord would provide the capital he needed to start this business. Within a few weeks, he answered an unexpected phone call. A friend had just received news that he got a green card for the US and asked Dennis if he would like to buy his business. Dennis didn’t have enough to purchase it outright, but what he did have was enough to make a deal and get started.

Through Kingland Global, Dennis sources unique spare parts for motorbikes (boda bodas), which is a thriving industry in Nairobi and throughout Kenya. Over 210,000 new motorbikes were registered in Kenya in 2020, according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, and demand is expected to rise as the on-demand transport industry continues to grow.

Dennis admits that business isn’t easy. He had actually closed his shop for a year before deciding to take part in the Sinapis Entrepreneur Academy, which reminded him of his ‘why’. For him, Kingland Global was to be more than a means to put food on the table – he wanted to use the business as a way to minister to those he came into contact with. “After Sinapis, I knew I needed to get back to business. Kingland belongs to God and I am His steward.” Dennis reconnected with his old suppliers and the business resumed operations.

The wisdom room

Desiring guidance from the Lord, Dennis made space not only in his schedule, but also in his office space to seek the Lord. He calls it The Wisdom Room. “Jesus is Lord” is written at the top of a wall as a reminder to all that enter Who really matters at Kingland Global. The Wisdom Room is also a place where Dennis trains young men from challenging backgrounds to start and run businesses in the spare parts industry. Dennis also shares the gospel with them and prays for them.

The commitment Dennis makes to be a man of integrity and be open with his love for God has allowed him to be a trusted member of his community. People facing significant life circumstances who aren’t sure how they’re going to make it to tomorrow, or how to change their destructive behaviours, have turned to Dennis for help. As Dennis shares these stories, he glows with joy that God is using him and the business to advance the Kingdom.

Expanding influence

Kingland Global is expanding physically in its current location and now has a network of sales reps in several towns across Kenya. Entrepreneurs like Dennis are changing their communities – creating revenue, jobs, and hope in their communities, erasing the sacred vs secular divide.

You don’t have to be a preacher to be in ministry – your daily interactions can change lives. Do you have space in your schedule, business, or home to regularly seek the Lord and pray for His direction? May we all have room for the Lord’s wisdom.

Dennis Yandi

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